
: 01623 653493
07425 629538

“I like the straight forward way I am treated. I don’t feel intimidated so feel able to ask any questions that I may have”

"It was a big thing for me getting this treatment. I was made to feel really comfortable and at ease"

"The clinic nurse will always go out of her way to make sure it is right"


Treatments For Facial Veins and Vascular Lesions

Port-wine Stain (vascular lesion)
A vascular birthmark made of enlarged capillaries in the skin, which produce a reddish-purplish discoloration of the skin. Port-wine stains occur most often on the face but can appear anywhere on the body. Early stains are usually flat and pink in appearance. As the child matures, the color may deepen to a dark red or purplish color.
Telangiectasia (vascular lesion)

Small, unsightly red, purple or blue blood vessels found along the surface on the face, upper chest, neck and rarely on other parts of the body. Similar veins are found on the legs called spider veins. These blood vessels are abnormal, not necessary for any essential body function.

Rosacea (vascular lesion)

Rosacea is a chronic skin condition involving inflammation of the cheeks, nose, chin, forehead, or eyelids. It may appear as redness, prominent spider-like blood vessels, swelling, or skin eruptions similar to acne.

Cherry Angioma (vascular lesion)
Small, smooth, dome-shaped papules superficially protruding from the skin. Acquired in adulthood, they usually are multiple lesions located on the trunk, and range in color from red to purple.

Venous Lake (vascular lesion)

An asymptomatic, generally solitary, soft, compressible, dark blue to purple, 0.2 to 1cm papule commonly found on sun-exposed surfaces of the vermilion border of the lip, face and ears. Lesions generally occur among the elderly.

Hemangioma (vascular lesion)
A benign proliferation of blood vessels in the dermis. The vascularity imparts a red, blue, or purple color to these lesions. Hemangiomas are usually present at birth, although they may appear within a few months after birth, often beginning at a site that has appeared slightly dusky or differently colored than the surrounding tissue. Hemangiomas, both deep and superficial, undergo a rapid growth phase in which the volume and size increase rapidly. This phase is followed by a rest phase, in which the hemangioma changes very little, and an involutional phase in which the hemangioma begins to disappear.

During the involutional phase, hemangiomas may disappear completely. Large cavernous hemangiomas distort the skin around them and will ultimately leave visible changes in the skin. A superficial capillary hemangioma may involute completely, leaving no evidence of its past presence.

Examples of hemangiomas are Nevus flammeus “stork bite”, and strawberry hemangioma.


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