Wrinkle Reducing Injections

 Botulinum Toxin Injections

Botulinum toxin injections are a treatment that uses a nerve blocker to relax muscles and reduce excessive muscle contractions. They are used to smooth out lines and wrinkles, such as crows feet and frown lines and in some cases for excessive sweating.


Wrinkles are part of the aging process and are often caused by sun damage, effects of gravity and muscle contraction resulting from facial expressions such as frowning and laughing.


Wrinkles that are caused due to the effects of gravity are natural sagging of the tissue with age and are generally only improved by surgical tightening procedures.


The injections are not permanent and usually last about 3-4 months.

What should you think about before having botulinum toxin injections?

If you are thinking about having botulinum toxin injections it is ideal to be clear about the reason you want them and to understand what they can and more importantly can not do.

There are two different types of facial wrinkles – dynamic and static – each should be treated differently.

Dynamic Wrinkles 

Dynamic wrinkles are caused by muscle movment, such as those when you laugh or squint. The most common dynamic wrinkles include crows feet around your eyes and lines on your forehead.

Various forms of Botulinum Toxin can be used to temporarily paralyse or relax muscle activity and is a good option to treat dynamic wrinkles. It can soften and smooth out wrinkles to restore a more youthful appearance.

Very fine lines and wrinkles are formed when collagen in the skin starts to thin. Collagen is protein situated just beneath and also within deep skin layers. Both aging and sun damage can cause collagen thinning. The  skin on your face stretches and sags, creating fine wrinkles. Botulinum toxin does not erase fine lines and wrinkles. 

When botulinum toxin is injected, it blocks certain nerve signals that make muscles contract. The muscles relax, reducing unwanted wrinkles. This effect lasts about 3–6 months. After that, the muscles move again and wrinkles come back. Within the first week of your treatment, you should notice your muscles begin to relax and fewer facial lines and wrinkles. This effect wears off in about 3 to 6 months.

Who can get Botulinum Toxin injections? 

You need to be healthy and at least 18 years old before you can get botulinum toxin injections.

Some people should not get botulinum toxin.

They include those who:

  • have a neuromuscular disease (such as multiple sclerosis or myasthenia gravis)
  • are pregnant or nursing
  • have weakness in certain facial muscles
  • have ptosis (drooping eyelids), deep facial scars, or uneven facial features (when features are not the same on both sides of the face)
  • have skin problems near the injection area

While botulinum toxin injections may help, they sometimes cause side effects or other health problems. Common side effects include:

  • headache
  • eye redness, tearing, or irritation
  • redness or bruising in the injection area. This is more likely to happen if you take aspirin or blood-thinning medicine. Ask your nurse practitioner if you should stop taking those medicines a few days before getting a botulinum toxin injection.

Drinking alcohol 24 hours before treatment also increases redness and bruising.

A less common but more serious side effect is ptosis (drooping eyelids). This can make it hard to see. Ptosis should go away when the botulinum toxin wears off in a couple of months.

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