
KLaser Skin Tightening

KLaser Skin Tightening

KLaser skin tightening also known as The blue Derma lift enables the tightening of mild to moderate loose skin which promotes the reduction  of submental and jowl fat – this makes it an impressive alternative to those not wishing to have surgery and allowing for a gradual correction to skin laxity and the dissolving of small pockets of fat.

The procedure can also be used for areas of the body including gluteus, knees, periumbilical area, inner thigh and ankles.

The procedure is designed to remodel the entire face: correcting mild sagging of the skin and fat accumulations on the lower third of the face (double chin, cheeks, mouth, jaw line) and neck as well as for correcting the skin laxity of the lower eyelids.

Before after jawline tightening

What side effects can I expect?

Following your treatment you may expect swelling and bruising for up to 2 weeks after the procedure. As with any heating device, there is a risk of skin burns, discoloration or nerve bruising that may result in muscle weakness around the mouth for 3 to 6 months (though this is rare). Asymmetry and contour irregularities may also occur,  and can require further treatment.

What is the recovery and downtime for skin tightening?

The treatment is performed in an outpatient setting, so you can therefore go home straight after your treatment. 

There is no necessity for compression bandages or dressings. However, in some circumstances you may be advised to wear a chin support to assist with reducing swelling. 

 Following the treatment you can expect to have swelling soreness, tenderness and possible bruising for up to two weeks post treatment. As with any heat based treatment there is a possible risk of burns, discoloration or possible muscle weakness around the mouth that may last for 3-6 months, Rarely the motor nerve may be temporarily affected in a lower-face treatment, and this may require the use of oral anti-inflammatory tablets. (This however is very rare). 

Before after jaw line treatment

Some Patients may also experience  and numbness for several weeks after treatment: these are not permanent and resolve in time. 

Is the Blue Dermalaser lift safe?

The treatment offers a safe and effective solution to tighten loose skin and remodel fat in the mid- and lower-face and neck. Prior to your treatment, small laser eye shields or goggles are placed over the eyelids to protect the eyes. (If you wear contact lenses, it is advisable to remove these and refrain from wearing them for 24 hours post-treatment).

What are the advantages of this treatment?

The treatment is an outpatient procedure, which is performed in clinic under local anaesthesia you will be able to return home after treatment. Using laser technology collagen production is stimulated over 3-6 months; however, you should also see some tightening within the first week (sometimes even immediately).

The treatment does involve small a small entry point being made in the skin, no stitches are needed, and there are usually no visible scars following the procedure.

Am I suitable for this procedure?

The Blue Dermalaser lift is suitable for all skin types and colours; however, it is not advised for patients who are pregnant, those who have a pacemaker or internal defibrillator, those with an electronic implant, a permanent implant in the treatment area (such as metal plates and screws), silicone implants or an injected chemical substance. Those with a history of diseases stimulated by heat (such as recurrent Herpes Simplex), or any active condition in the treatment area (such as sores, psoriasis, eczema and rashes) are not advised to have this treatment.


a consultation is required prior to assess for suitability for this treatment.

Prices start from £300 for small areas (eyes)

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