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Aims and Objectives
East Midlands Laser & Cosmetic Clinic provides non-invasive laser treatments for adults of either gender. Treatment for vascular/pigmented lesions and Acne will be provided for children 13 – 18 years old with parental consent.
The conditions treated can be summarised as vascular-pigmented lesions, Acne, visible signs of ageing skin and excess of abnormal hair growth. The purpose of some treatments maybe cosmetic, but many patients benefit through reducing the emotional and psychological stress related to their condition.
East Midlands Laser & Cosmetic Clinic provides these treatments in an environment, which is:
1. Compliant with all current safety regulations.
2. Staffed by registered nurses.
3. Accessible, welcoming and friendly.
4. Open, honest and transparent in its dealings with patients.
5. Respectful of patient’s dignity and confidentiality.
62 Commercial Gate, Mansfield, Nottingham, NG18 1EU